Fast and Reliable Delivery - Get Your Used Car Parts on Time with EzParts

At EzParts, we understand the importance of fast and reliable delivery. That's why we offer a range of delivery options to ensure that your purchases arrive at your doorstep in a timely and efficient manner.

Delivery by courier:

Our courier service is available to deliver your purchased goods to any address within the territory of Lithuania (excluding the Curonian Spit) within 1-2 working days from the receipt of the order. Our courier will contact you in advance using the contact telephone number provided during the checkout process.

The delivery fee is automatically calculated by our system at the time of purchase. This means you can have peace of mind knowing that there will be no surprises when it comes to the cost of delivery.

If your goods are ordered before 12:00 pm, they will be collected for dispatch on the same day. If you place an order after 12:00 pm, our courier will collect the goods and deliver them to you within 1-2 working days after payment is made. Please note that the packaging of the goods must contain the following documents: a VAT invoice issued for you and information regarding returns of the goods. A parcel sticker, printed from EzParts, must also be attached to the package.

Collection of purchased goods:

If you have paid only for the goods, you must collect them from us at the address indicated in the order confirmation. The goods will be stored for 14 days after the purchase date. After this period, we will inform the Service provider to refund the price of the goods paid to you, after coordinating with you in writing and in advance. Money will be refunded within 14 days, and the goods will be placed back on EzParts.

At EzParts, we offer our buyers the flexibility to choose their preferred shipping method. You can opt for our standard shipping, which usually takes up to 30 days post shipping to deliver your order, or you can choose our express shipping option for faster delivery.

We understand that delivery and collection options are an important consideration when making a purchase. That's why we offer a range of options to suit your needs. Whether you require fast and reliable delivery or the convenience of collection, we have you covered.

At EzParts, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service. If you have any questions or concerns regarding delivery or collection of your purchases, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always on hand to provide assistance and support.

In summary, at EzParts we offer:

  • Fast and reliable delivery within Lithuania (excluding the Curonian Spit) within 1-2 working days
  • Automatic calculation of delivery fees at the time of purchase
  • Deliver all over the Globe and the flexibility to choose preferred shipping method
  • 14-day storage of purchased goods
  • Refund of the price of goods after 14 days of storage
  • Excellent customer service and support

We are confident that our delivery and collection options will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Thank you for choosing EzParts for your purchases.